Superintendent Joshua Smith expressed his enthusiasm upon receiving the Moody’s rating for Region 15 School District.
Based on the rigorous Moody’s Rating Process and the unique structure of Regional School Districts, this achievement marks the pinnacle of creditworthiness attainable at this time. The favorable bond rating bestowed upon Region 15 is a testament to the unwavering commitment of the Board of Education. Their prudent fiscal management over the past five years has been instrumental in securing this prestigious recognition. Furthermore, the robust financial health of both Southbury and Middlebury, coupled with their steadfast collaborative partnership with Region 15, has significantly contributed to this remarkable accomplishment.
Superintendent Smith emphasized that this rating underscores the district’s resilience, strategic planning, and unwavering dedication to educational excellence. As Region 15 continues to thrive, it remains committed to providing exceptional learning experiences for its students.
Follow the link to learn about Moody’s Rating: Moody's Rating 2024