The Region 15 Board of Education is pleased to be the bridge between the community and the schools. The 10-member board is comprised of six Southbury and four Middlebury representatives elected to four-year staggered terms. Student representatives are appointed to be non-voting members of the Board of Education and serve as liaisons between the student body and the Board of Education.

The Board meets twice each month, usually on the second and fourth Mondays at 7:30 p.m, to hear public comments, conduct business, and to hear reports from Board Committees and school administrators.  

Board meeting agendas are posted on our website and at Middlebury and Southbury Town Halls.

Board of Education Members

Board of Education Member  Town Term Expiration Date
Ms. Sharon Attick Southbury Nov, 2027
Ms. Shannon Cavallo Middlebury   Dec, 2025
Ms. Heather Dwyer Southbury Nov, 2027
Ms. Marion Manzo (Chairperson) Southbury Nov, 2025
Mr. Tom Marks (Secretary) Southbury Nov, 2025
Mr. Jeff Olsen Middlebury Dec, 2027
Ms. Heather Rodgers (Treasurer) Southbury Nov, 2025
Ms. Sally Romano Middlebury Dec, 2027
Mr. Steven Suriani Southbury Nov, 2027



February 6, 2025: Region 15 Board of Education Statement

To email the entire Region 15 Board of Education:

ten individuals standing  and sitting in front of table

Region 15 Board of Education members Standing L-R: Heather Dwyer, Tom Marks, Sally Romano, Steve Suriani, Sharon Attick, Jeff Olsen; Seated L-R: Richard Spierto, Shannon Cavallo, Marion Manzo, and Heather Rodgers

Public Participation

All Board meetings except Executive Sessions are open to the public. Board meetings are also recorded and available on the Region 15 YouTube channel.  

Any member of the public may speak and offer brief comments (3-minute maximum) to the Board during public comments. 

Letters and emails are always welcome.  All communications sent to Town boards and officials become part of the public record and are subject to legal requirements for disclosure and retention.  All communications are an important part of the public dialog.  We ask you to include your name and address. Emails sent to an individual board member will be shared with all board members.