Moving to Region 15
Welcome to the Region 15 Community!
Many times families would like their children to attend school in Region 15 prior to the closing on their new property within the towns of Middlebury or Southbury.
This is allowed under certain circumstances, and with certain stipulations:
- Future residents may provide a contract of purchase with closing date, a construction contract with anticipated move-in date, or a dated rental agreement. This contract or agreement must be signed and dated by both parties.
- Future residents must apply for admissions through the Superintendent of Schools office. Please send an email that includes the following information: Property closing date, Reason for late closing, Temporary address until property closing, Student names, birth dates, school grades, and anticipated district school
Additional information or documentation may be requested by the Registration Office or Superintendent's Office.
Contact Information
(203) 758-8259 x 1023
Jennifer Meglio, Executive Assistant, Superintendent's Office
(203) 758-8259 x 1010